It is important that you always wear the necessary protection when using Chlorine Dioxide tablets for vapor-treating an enclosed space. This includes a proper respiratory mask, eye protection and gloves. Following the instructions closely and carefully.


Treating Water in Pools, Hot Tubs & Jacuzzi's:

  • Total time required for treatment is approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Use of several (2 or more) 20gram tablets will likely be necessary.
  • Treatment can be completed monthly, or as required.
  • Never allow humans or pets to be in the water during the treatment process.
  • Ensure that there are never any metallic objects in the water. Clear our your water of any debris and objects.
  • Turn on the water jets to a high setting.
  • Add a minimum of 1-2 tablets to your hot tub or jaccuzzi. Depending on size, add 2-3 tablets to your pool.
  • Allow the tablets to agitate and fully dissolve with the movement of the water.
  • Wait a minimum of 30 to 45 minutes before using the water again.