It is important that you always wear the necessary protection when using Chlorine Dioxide tablets for vapor-treating an enclosed space. This includes a proper respiratory mask, eye protection and gloves. Never breath in the vapor. It is also very important that there is no dampness or wet objects in the dwelling when gassing-off takes place. Ensure that the entire space and it's objects are dry.

Following the instructions closely and carefully.


Removing Odors from Vehicles (All Sizes):

  • Total time required for gas-off: approximately 1 hour.
  • Never allow humans or pets to stay in the vehicle during treatment.
  • Use filtered, purified, distilled or reverse osmosis water when using a ClO2 tablet. Do not use tap-water.
  • Always use plastic buckets and tools. Never use metal. This is very important.
  • Use of a 20gram tablet requires a minimum of 5oz of water. (More than 10oz of water is unnecessary).
  • Park your vehicle in shade or somewhere where there is not directly sunlight or sources of intense heat.
  • Close all of the car windows and doors.
  • Make certain to clean the vehicle of any large debris or items that may be involved in causing the odor, for example: food-stuffs, cigar butts, dirt, etc.
  • Place your container (bucket) of water on a flat, stable surface near an A/C intake vent. Often times, the best place is in the tray, cup holder or arm-rest area in front of the central dashboard.
  • Fill it with the appropriate amount of water.
  • Fix your aerator device to the side of the bucket, or somewhere stable (steady).
  • Insert the "stone" component (heaviest piece at the end of the tubing) into the water.
  • Turn your aerator device on.
  • Turn your A/C (air condition) on close-to or at full strength (maximum capacity).
  • Carefully place your 20gram ClO2 tablet into the water.
  • Allow the vehicle to run with the A/C (air conditioning) turned on for 30-45 minutes.
  • After this time has passed, open the vehicle to fresh air (outdoor air).
  • Allow the vehicle to thoroughly ventilate for 30 minutes or more to ensure all of the vapor has dissipated.