Most people expect their activated Chlorine Dioxide solution to be an amber color, and are often surprised when it is a bright, golden yellow. Why does this happen?
If you are making your Chlorine Dioxide solution and it turns out to be yellow and not amber, not to worry!
Your kit is not "bad." 1ness Water Purification Drops kits are always made fresh. Furthermore, having to make your Chlorine Dioxide from two separate bottles ensures that you are always making a potent solution. Using either Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) or Citric Acid as your activator is not impacting the color either.
The minimum amount of drops used from each bottle is 2-3 drops. When using a smaller amount to make your Chlorine Dioxide, the color will be lighter, resulting in a yellow shade. Obviously your choice of glass/container and the room lighting plays a role, but what is most impactful is how many drops you are adding from each bottle. The more drops, the more the depth of the color will darker into an amber.
The easiest way to remember this is: the more drops that you use from each bottle (A & B), the deeper, richer the yellow color will be, resulting in an amber color as expected.