Many people use Chlorine Dioxide as a disinfectant, or general-purpose surface cleaner. Depending on the application, you can create different percentages, or strengths, of cleaning solution.
We recommend utilizing an accurate measuring instrument. To make a 25-30% activated Chlorine Dioxide general-purpose cleaner:
- Decide how much cleaning solution that you would like to make.
- Measure out the volume of water on one container (or spray bottle).
- Add equal parts from both bottles of our Water Purification Kit in another container (or glass) and create Chlorine Dioxide.
- Add this solution to the container that has your water.
- 25-30% of the total volume of your solution must be Chlorine Dioxide, and the remaining being water. This will vary depending on the overall (total) amount of cleaning solution you want to create.
You must use this disinfectant solution/spray immediately (storing it will greatly reduce efficacy).
Depending on how much solution that you are making, ensure that at least 25-30% of your mixture is the Chlorine Dioxide. In other words, approximately 1/4 or 1/3 of the total amount of water you are using for your cleaner must be activated Chlorine Dioxide. And depending on your requirements, you can adjust the % (ratio) to make your cleaning-solution stronger; the less water, the stronger the solution.
Most prefer a stronger % solution for a more effective cleaning / disinfecting solution.