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Water Purification Drops Product Features
Water Purification Drops Product Features
What is the recommended protocol of use?
Citric Acid or Hydrochloric Acid? What's the difference?
How should I store my Chlorine Dioxide kit?
What is with the different %'s on each bottle?
Do the Water Purification Drops expire?
My Chlorine Dioxide is activated and now yellow. Why is it not amber?
How long does my treated water last for?
Why don't the Chlorine Dioxide kits come pre-mixed?
Why are there so many different types of kits?
How much water can I treat with a single kit?
What can Chlorine Dioxide be used for?
Where are your kits made?
How do I create a mouth-rinse?
How can I make a cleaning solution?
I've treated my water. How many PPM of ClO2 are present?